Papers | Thesis | Talks & Posters | Other
2025 and Preprints
- I. Malvestio, A. Cardillo, and N. Masuda
Interplay between k-core and community structure in complex networks
Scientific Reports 10, 14702 (2020) | arXiv:2005.01147
- A. Cardillo, and N. Masuda
Critical mass effect in evolutionary games triggered by zealots
Physical Review Research 2, 023305 (2020) | arXiv:1912.00400
- I. Morer, A. Cardillo, A. Diaz-Guilera, L. Prignano, and S. Lozano
Comparing spatial networks: A 'one size fits all' efficiency-driven approach
Physical Review E 101, 042301 (2020) | arXiv:1807.00565
- M. Macedo, L. Lotero, A. Cardillo, H. Barbosa, and R. Menezes
Gender Patterns of Human Mobility in Colombia: Reexamining Ravenstein's Laws of Migration
Proceedings of the Complex Networks XI conference, pp. 269--281, Springer Proceedings in Complexity (2020) | arXiv:1911.12984
- A. Martini, A. Lutov, V. Gemmetto, A. Magalich, A. Cardillo, A. Constantin, V. Palchykov, M. Khayati, P. Cudré-Mauroux, A. Boyarsky, O. Ruchayskiy, D. Garlaschelli, P. De Los Rios, and K. Aberer
ScienceWISE: Topic Modeling over Scientific Literature Networks
- L. Lotero, A. Cardillo, R. Hurtado, and J. Gómez-Gardeñes
Several multiplexes in the same city: the role of wealth differences in urban mobility
Chapter of the book entitled: "Interconnected Networks" published by Springer | arXiv:1408.2484
- E. Strano, M. Viana, L. Da Fontoura Costa, A. Cardillo, S. Porta, and V. Latora
Urban street networks: a comparative analysis of ten European cities
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 40, 1071 -- 1086 (2013) | arXiv:1211.0259
- L.V. Gambuzza, A. Cardillo, A. Fiasconaro, L. Fortuna, J. Gómez-Gardeñes, and M. Frasca
Analysis of Remote Synchronization in Complex Networks
Chaos 23, 043103 (2013) | arXiv:1303.4421
- A. Cardillo, C. Reyes-Suárez, F. Naranjo, and J. Gómez-Gardeñes
Evolutionary vaccination dilemma in complex networks
Physical Review E 88, 032803 (2013) | arXiv:1303.3502
- A. Cardillo, F. Galve, D. Zueco, and J. Gómez-Gardeñes
Information sharing in quantum complex networks
Physical Review A 87, 052312 (2013) | arXiv:1211.2580
- A. Cardillo, J. Gómez-Gardeñes, M. Zanin, M. Romance, D. Papo, F. del Pozo, and S. Boccaletti
Emergence of network features from multiplexity
Scientific Reports (Nature open access) 3 1344 (2013) | arXiv:1212.2153
- A. Cardillo, M. Zanin, J. Gómez-Gardeñes, M. Romance, A. J. García del Amo and S. Boccaletti
Modeling the Multi-layer Nature of the European Air Transport Network: Resilience and Passengers Re-scheduling under random failures
European Physical Journal Special Topics 215 23-33 (2013)| (On the cover) | arXiv:1211.6839
- S. Porta, V. Latora, F. Wang, S. Rueda, E. Strano, S. Scellato, A. Cardillo, E. Belli, F. Cardenas, B. Cormenzana, and L. Latora
Street Centrality and the Location of Economic Activities in Barcelona
Urban Studies (online) 1-18 (2011) | Vol 49 no. 7 1471--1488 (2012)
- S. Porta, E. Strano, V. Iacoviello, R. Messora, V. Latora, A. Cardillo, F. Wang, and S. Scellato
Street centrality and densities of retail and services in Bologna, Italy
Environment and Planning B, 36, 450-465 (2009) | physics/0701111
- A. Cardillo
Propagation d-Covering on weighted complex networks
HPC-Europa annual report 2008 (2009).
- A. Cardillo, S. Scellato, and V. Latora
Topological Analysis of Scientific Coauthorship Networks
Physica A 372, 333-339 (2006).
- S. Scellato, A. Cardillo, V. Latora, and S. Porta
The Backbone of a City
European Physical Journal B 50, 221 (2006)| physics/0511063
- A. Cardillo, S. Scellato, V. Latora, and S. Porta
Structural Properties of Planar Graphs of Urban Street Patterns
Physical Review E 73 066107 (2006) | physics/0510162
Talks & Posters
- Complex systems and complex networks: a talk for palaeo and neoecologists
Departmental talk (IPE Talks), Zaragoza (Spain), October 2024
- A quick introduction on data visualization
Invited lecture given at the conference "XI Jornada", Barcelona (Spain), June 2024
- A new opportunity for network science: Digital humanities
Keynote talk given at the conference "Complenet 2024", Exeter (United Kingdom), April 2024
- Network science meets Digital humanities: many challenges and some success stories
Keynote talk given at 3rd Latin American conference on complex networks, Cusco (Perù), August 2023
- Characterizing the geographical organization of the International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation via network cartography
Talk given at the CS3 meeting, Santander (Spain), May 2023
- Beyond simple dynamics: coevolutionary dynamics
Talk given at the IFISC institute, Palma de Mallorca (Spain), February 2023
- Differences in the spatial landscape of urban mobility: gender and socioeconomic perspectives
Talk given at the UrbanSys2022 @CCS 2022, Palma de Mallorca (Spain), October 2022
- Emergence of synergistic and competitive pathogens in a coevolutionary spreading model
Talk given at the CCS 2022 conference, Palma de Mallorca (Spain), October 2022
- Evolutionary Game Theory on networks
Lecture given at the ENREDANDO 2022 school, Lima (Perù), July 2022
- Characterization of interactions' persistence in time-varying networks
Talk given at the CompleNetLive 22 conference, Virtual (Exeter), May 2022
- Interplay between k-core and communities in networks
Talk given at the CompleNetLive 21 conference, Virtual (Exeter), May 2021
- Tipping point in evolutionary games on networks triggered by zealots
Talk given at the CompleNetLive 21 conference, Virtual (Exeter), May 2021
- A coevolutionary model combining game theory and synchronization: the Evolutionary Kuramoto's Dilemma
Talk given at the "Applied Mathematics Seminar" at the University College Cork, Cork (Ireland), March 2020
- Enhanced extraction of weighted networks backbones
Talk given at the Max Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems (MPI-PKS), Dresden (Germany), March 2020
- Critical mass effect in evolutionary games on networks triggered by zealots
Talk given at the NetSci-X conference, Tokyo (Japan), January 2020
- Comparing spatial networks: A 'one size fits all' efficiency-driven approach
Talk given at the NetSci-X conference, Tokyo (Japan), January 2020
- Enhanced extraction of weighted networks backbones
Talk given at the "Network Dynamics Seminar" of the Technical University of Dresden, Dresden (Germany), May 2019
- Entropic selection of concepts unveils hidden topics in documents corpora
Invited talk given at the MRC IEU Data Science Group Meeting, Bristol (United Kingdom), March 2019
- Unveiling zebrafish's hindbrain activity during active locomotion: a network perspective
Talk given at the conference "Complenet 2019", Tarragona (Spain), March 2019
- La fisica dei sistemi complessi. Complex networks: structure and dynamics
Talk given at the department of Physics of the University of Catania under the "Y2Y initiative" of the EPS Young Minds Section, Catania (Italy), January 2019
- Entropic selection of concepts unveils hidden topics in documents corpora
Invited talk given at the workshop "Perspectives on Complex Systems", Berlin (Germany), December 2018
- Entropic selection of concepts unveils hidden topics in documents corpora
Talk given at the Department of Computer Science of University of Exeter, Exeter (United Kingdom), November 2018
- Coevolution of Synchronization and Cooperation in Costly Networked Interactions
Talk given at the IEEE "Complexity in Engineering (COMPENG2018)" workshop, Florence (Italy), October 2018
- Comparing spatial networks: A 'one size fits all' efficiency-driven approach
Talk given at the Workshop on Spatially Embdedded Networks, Bristol (United Kingdom), September 2018
- To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? A coevolutionary dilemma
Talk given at the department of Physics of University of Catania, Catania (Italy), June 2018
- To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? A coevolutionary dilemma
Talk given at the conference "Complenet 2018", Boston (USA), March 2018
- Terrestrial communication networks from archaeological evidences
Talk given at the IPHES Seminar, Tarragona (Spain), November 2017
- To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? A coevolutionary dilemma
Talk given at the conference "Macfang: Mapping Complexity Foundations and Applications of Network Geometry", Barcelona (Spain), November 2017
- Coevolution of Synchronization and Cooperation in Costly Networked Interactions
Talk given at the "Complexity Lab Barcelona (ClabB) meeting" at University of Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain), October 2017
- Enhanced extraction of weighted networks backbones
Talk given at the "Physics of Living Systems" supergroup meeting at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne (Switzerland), May 2017
- Automatic identification of relevant concepts in scientific publications
Talk given at the Center for Network Science of Central European University, Budapest (Hungary), April 2017
- Enhanced extraction of weighted networks backbones
Talk given at the Department of Physics of University of Turin, Turin (Italy), April 2017
- Enhanced extraction of weighted networks backbones
Talk given at the conference "Complenet 2017", Dubrovnik (Croatia), March 2017
- Automatic identification of relevant concepts in scientific publications
Talk given at the School of Informatics and Computing of Indiana University, Bloomington (USA), February 2017
- To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? A coevolutionary dilemma
Talk given at the Department of Physics of TU Berlin, Berlin (Germany), November 2016
- Social Networks and Cooperation II: going beyond replication
Talk given at the "Mediterranean School of Complex Networks", Salina (Italy), August 2016
- Tips and Tricks on how to prepare effective presentations & speak with impact
Talk given at the Department of Physics of Catania under the "EPS Young Minds" initiative, Catania (Italy), July 2016
- To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? A coevolutionary dilemma
Talk given at the conference "Complex Networks: From theory to interdisciplinary applications", Marseille (France), July 2016
- The evolutionary Kuramoto's dilemma
Talk given at the workshop "Dynamics on and of networks", Lyon (France), June 2016
- The evolutionary Kuramoto's dilemma
Talk given at the conference "Complenet 2016", Dijon (France), March 2016
- Automatic identification of relevant concepts in
scientific publications
Talk given at the Department of Computer Science of University Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona (Spain), February 2016
- Entropic selection of concepts in networks of similarity between documents
Talk given at the Department of Physics of University of Geneve (Switzerland), November 2015
- Science of Science: Science seen as a social phenomenon
Talk given at the "Mediterranean School of Complex Networks", Salina, Italy, September 2015 (awarded the "best lecturer talk prize")
- Several multiplexes in the same city: The role of socioeconomic differences in urban mobility
Talk given at the conference "NetSci 2015", Zaragoza, Spain, June 2015
- Several multiplexes in the same city: The role of socioeconomic differences in urban mobility
Talk given at the "UrbanNet 2015", Zaragoza, Spain, June 2015
- Beyond simple complex-networks: coevolution, multiplexity, and time-varying interactions
Talk given at the Department of Physics of Florence University (Italy), May 2015
- Several multiplexes in the same city: The role of socioeconomic differences in urban mobility
Talk given at the conference "Complenet 2015", New York, USA, March 2015
- Beyond simple complex-networks: coevolution, multiplexity, and time-varying interactions
Talk given at my PhD defence at the Faculty of Science of University of Zaragoza, July 2014
- The Evolutionary Vaccination Dilemma in Complex Networks
Flash-talk given at the "Mediterranean School of Complex Networks", Salina, Italy, June 2014 (awarded the "best flash-talk prize")
- The Evolutionary Vaccination Dilemma in Complex Networks
Talk given at the conference "Complenet 2014", Bologna, Italy, March 2014
- Redes complejas como paradigma para estudiar sistemas complejos
Talk given at the "Semana de Inmersión en Ciencias ", Zaragoza, Spain, June 2013
- Evolutionary dynamics of time-resolved social interactions
Talk given at the conference "NetSci 2013", Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2013
- What I would like to do when I will grow old ...
Self presentation talk given at the 2012 Gefenol summer school, Benasque (Huesca), Spain, September 2012
- Enhancement of cooperation in systems of moving agents playing public goods games
Talk given at the conference "Net-Works 2011", El Escorial (Madrid), Spain, October 2011
- Co-evolution of strategies and update rules in the prisoner's dilemma game on complex networks
Talk given at both Department of Mathematics of Uppsala University and at the Department of Condensed Matter Physics of University of Zaragoza, April 2011
- Structural properties of planar graphs of urban street patterns
Talk (in italian) given at my Master of Science thesis defence at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, October 2010
- Il Laboratorio sui Sistemi Complessi della Scuola Superiore di Catania
Talk (in italian) given for the Catania Winner Students during their visit at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, April 2009
- Il gruppo di Reti Complesse del Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia dell'Università di Catania
Talk (in italian) given at parallel computing course held at University of Catania, September 2008 (link)
- Structural properties of urban street patterns and the Multiple Centrality Assessment
Talk given at the conference Complex Networks - Equilibrium and Vulnerability Analysis with Applications , Catania , March 2008 (link)
- Topological Analysis of Scientific Coauthorship Networks
Bachelor degree thesis defence, University of Catania, October 2006
- Emergence of synergistic and competitive pathogens in a co-evolutionary spreading model
Poster presented at the IX day, Barcelona (Spain), June 2022
- To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? A coevolutionary dilemma
Poster presented at the 3rd GESIS Computational Social Science Winter Symposium, Köln (Germany), November 2016
- The Evolutionary Vaccination Dilemma in Complex Networks
Poster presented at the NetSci 2013 conference, Copenhagen (Denmark), June 2013
- Co-evolution of strategy and update rules in the Prisoner's Dilemma game on complex networks
Poster presented at the European Conference on Complex Systems ECCS 2011, Wien (Austria), September 2011
- Structural properties of urban street patterns, discovering the backbone of a city
Poster presented at the workshop TNNT 2010, Paris (France), June 2010
- d-covering on weighted complex networks
Poster presented at the conference Complex Network from Biology to Information Tecnology, Pula Sardinia (Italy), July 2007
Other Stuff
Here you can download the audio file of my interview at RadioMoka (in Italian) where I speak about complex networks. Enjoy!
- Interview at RadioMoka (link)
Here you can download the audio file of my short interview (in Italian) at Radio Zammù where I spoke about statistical physics and complex systems. Enjoy!
- Interview at Radio Zammù (link)
Here you can find some papers I've wrote to describe how I've solved some problems not only related with graph theory. In the future, I plan to put here also the algorithms' source code used in my works.
Alessio Cardillo
Pyrenean Institute of Ecology (IPE),
Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Avenida Montañana, 1005
50059 -- Zaragoza